Unilever has reduced its waste footprint by 32%

We use over 2 million tonnes of packaging each year, ranging from paper, board and metals (such as aluminium, steel and glass) to the plastics and mixed material laminates that we use in our sachets and pouches. Our analysis shows that primary packaging accounts for 60% of our total waste footprint.

In 2019, we reduced our waste impact per consumer use by 32% compared to 2010. This reduction was achieved through a combination of: disposing of brands with packaging that was not widely recycled in the country of sale; improvements in the recycling and recovery of packaging materials; and packaging innovations which have reduced the weight of materials used. We aim to choose packaging materials that are recycled or recovered in the countries where we sell our products through our target to ensure that all our plastic packaging is reusable, recyclable, or compostable by 2025.


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